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Annas Florist


Phone (949) 683-5813
Mobile (949) 683-5813 - Mobile
Address valle road,
San juan capistrano, CA 92672 United States


We are located in the heart of orange county serving our customers from Newport Beach to San Clemente. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with a 100% guarantee and a unique piece with every order. Each one of our pieces are design to order which means we do not have a refridgerator full of predesigned old arrangements. Each and every morning our designer goes to the floral mart to pick out the freshest flowers available to make them available to our customers. This also allows us to pick up that special flower for your special someone upon request. We have been in business for over 40 years and stand behind our quality and beautiful design. We were located in Mission viejo for 30 years and have now been in San Juan Capistrano for over 10 years

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